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Basehor High School 2108 155th St. Basehor,KS 66007
Eudora High School 2203 Church St. Eudora,KS 66025
Field of Dreams 14333 Fairmount Rd. Basehor,KS 66007
Mill Valley High School 5900 Monticello Rd Shawnee,KS 66226
NKFL / Sportzone 3909 SW Burlingame Rd. Topeka,KS 66109
Piper High School 4400 N. 107th. Kansas City,KS 66109
Washburn Rural High School 5900 SW 61st St Topeka,KS, 66619
YSC Sports Complex 4911 W. 27th Lawrence,Ks 66049 Field numbers run from east to west at this complex