Kendall Betts Summer Festival Logo


We Need You!

We are still looking for additional photos and stories from KBHC alumni to feature on the right column of our web site.

We are looking for alumni to send a few things to the webmaster: As you see in this page - KBHC years, current job, and a little quote about your experiences at KBHC, and of course, a picture with or without your horn!

You can email this information to our webmaster here: just make sure to put "KBHC Alumni" somewhere in the subject heading.



Spotlight on Alumni:

Joseph Demko

2nd Horn, Albany (NY) Symphony Orchestra

Operations Manager, Ariel Artists; Brighton, MA

KBHC Alum: 2000-2002

"KBHC is an ideal opportunity to further your horn playing and musicianship, to perform and hear others perform, and to make some great friends and contacts.  Nowhere else do you have access to so many top-notch professional hornists to learn from.  The positive atmosphere and camaraderie are incredible - I made many friends at KBHC who I am still in touch with today.  Thanks, Kendall!"