Kendall Betts Summer Festival Logo

Orchestra Excerpt Packets

Here are the downloadable excerpts you will be playing at KBHC

Basic Excerpt Packet

Advanced Excerpt Packet

Spotlight on Alumni:

Elizabeth Schellhase

2nd Horn, Kansas City Symphony

KBHC Alum: 2003


"I had a wonderful experience as a high school student at KBHC. Meeting and studying with some of the top performers and teachers was instrumental in helping me decide where to do my undergraduate degree and in furthering my abilities on the horn. It is quite an outstanding conglomeration of master hornists and teachers, and the outstanding group of students are an inspiration in itself. I continue to stay in contact with many of the people I met and I run into many of my KBHC friends all over the world. The camp itself is in the most beautiful location...such an inspiring place to perform, hone your skills, and have FUN!"